I mentioned in my previous post how I was in awe of knitting blogs out there. In fact, I have to admit I'm pretty addicted to a few of them. I love reading these blogger's posts. They provide ideas, colours, techniques, reviews and so much more. I like how many of the authors make it personal by bringing pieces of their day to day.
So here are some of my favorites.
Blogs I read religiously...
I love that blog. Tanis won 2015 Craftsy Best Knitting Photography award and it's no surprise. Her blog is beautiful and so full of colour! She dyes yarn in many gorgeous colours (both solid and variegated), designs amazing patterns and shares her own WIP and FO, which make me want to cast on right there on the spot!
Cassy Dominick shares her projects as well as her designs. She knits mainly for herself, her kiddy and her man. All of these categories bring me inspiration. And I share her taste in designs and colours. I like the tone in her writing. It's light and funny.
Julie is both a super pretty model and an amazing knitter/designer! She also brings beautiful photos (and sometimes outtakes ;)) of her projects. Her blog covers many interesting subjects, through interviews, gift ideas, Pins, reviews, Ravelry modification project and many more!
Blogs I stumble upon, every few weeks...
Alano Dakos is a superb designer and her blog is a very good way to stay tuned to the products of her botany inspired imagination! In addition to those, she also offers great photos of knitted FO. I started listening to her podcast (thanks for the tip, Christine), and I think I will enjoy those too!
Rililie, also incredibly talented designer. I like reading her impressions on knitting and techniques. Speaking of techniques, she offers amazingly well written and illustrated tutorials. A must!
Ysolda is a famous designer who brings a wide variety of patterns. Her Technique thursdays posts are among my favourites. The font and design of these tutorials are clear and neat.
Julie Asselin has a special place in my heart. She is a local indie dyer who has quickly become famous and appreciated. And it's no wonder. She dyes extraordinary colours and has funny bubbly lovely personality. I hold her yarn partly responsible for my knitting obsession!
But of course, my blog reading sometimes expand way beyond these. For instance, when I browse on Ravelry (which I do constantly), I often stumble upon blog links in ravellers profile. If like what I'm reading, I can go for hours, flipping through the pages of older posts.
Next post will be about these thrum slippers... and my new found love of thrums in general.