mercredi 24 février 2016

Amazing Technicolor Dreamsweater

This sweater is awesome! It was a blast to empty my bin of scrap yarn in a carry bag and just knit this piece, adding on to it little by little. I used this formula proposed by Stephen West where you just carry a colour and add another and so on, switching a yarn at a time.
I'm glad I was able to use those leftovers of faux fair isle sock yarn, combined with neutrals, to achieve (surprisingly) a very interesting variegated effect... I also used some lace weight, mostly the Baby Alpaca from Luxury Diamond, which made it soft and with a a nice halo in some spots.
You can see I'm a really big fan of Stephen West, since I was also wearing my Syncopation Adoration Hat and my Spectra Scarf that day! What sort of an addict am I?!
This, again, was a sort of mini-kal with my friend Zoée, but get this, she is making not just one for herself, but also one for her 3 1/2 years old! How cute! We'll try to take a group photo when ready and post it here... 

dimanche 14 février 2016

Fair Isle addict

Hi, my name is Geneviève, and I'm a Fair Isle addict. 
You wannna make sure I stay up way too late and refuse to go to bed? Put some colourwork in my project and I'm good to go for hours. It just keeps my mind focused and interested for longer. 
This is how I recently finished my first Strokkur. Pattern by Ysolda, that I believe I'll knit again.

I say finished, because it had been sitting on a pile of WIPs for months. The body and a bit of the sleeves we're done, so a few weeks ago, I picked up the sleeves back on my needles and knitted them while chatting with students and customers. I then attached the sleeves and the body together and enjoyed a sweet colourwork ride!
Even pre blocking, I was pretty amazed with how well it fitted. The construction of the pattern is so perfect, that I'm currently using it as a canvas for an Afmaeli sweater.
The cute little hat I'm also wearing here, is by the very talented Trin Annelie. People who spend all their free time browsing Ravelry like I do, probably stumbled upon her projects quite a few times. I know I like to see what she's up to, since she has impeccable taste! Well, this her first design. So I felt compelled to give it a try. 

I'm glad I did. The pattern is both fun and of quality. It offers a few sizes and two lenghts. I chose small and beanie. But I might try the slouchier version soon.

Speaking of quick colourwork hat, I also knit this one in January. 
It's a cute little tam, made out of Noro Silk Garden with Galway Worsted. I like how it's subtle and soft. The pattern includes three different charts, and it's free on Knitty, so you can play with colours to your heart's content!

vendredi 5 février 2016

Penguono Love

I'm speechless... is that allowed? Can one admit to being beyond words when faced with their own knit?
 Let's just say I'm more than happy with the end result of my Penguono. Pattern is by Mr West, of course.
It's just so cool that it cost 0$ and that I actually used teeny tiny balls of yarn. Combining lace, fingering, sport, dk and worsted to achieve a dk/worsted size on 5 mm, I used stash yarn exclusively.
This is a very relaxing project, with lots of garter and a little bit of seed stitch. It's fun to see the colours come together. I had my doubts at time, but I pushed through and I think it worked very well in the end.

I particularly like this cardigan worn upside down, with the long panels of stripes in the front and the collar rounding the bum.
This makes me want to cast on an Amazing Technicolor Dreamsweater with all the fingering leftovers!