mercredi 9 septembre 2015


I like to read jaykayknits blog and I recently stumbled on an article where she mentionned the Sidewalk to Seashore collection by Chelsea Berkompas. I instantly fell in love with the Beachcomber shawl : her colours were just gorgeous!

I wanted to cast on right away, so I picked the Katia Linen we had in store in the three colours available. This is an unusual choice of colours for me, almost too classic. I'm more attracted to vibrant colours, but this turned out real nice. 
The process was thoroughly enjoyable. And stripes make for one very addictive knit. You always want to get to that other colour.
The construction of this asymmetrical shawl was really interesting and I have to keep it in mind as future reference. It's so versatile.
I actually messed up the last lace repeat somehow but decided there was no way I would "tink" or pull of my needle at this point. Let's pretend it's an esthetic choice. ;)
And how about this picot bind off?! It takes forever but is so worth it. Every time!

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